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Mario García's favorite books »

viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012

Mis lecturas acerca del fenómeno de la Propaganda I (El manual, Inglés)

PropagandaPropaganda by Edward L. Bernays
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

As the manual of the propagandist itself, it's a must read for anyone who wants to understand key aspects of nowadays so called democratic societies.

Saying that this book broadens insight into the invisible government may seem paranoid at first sight, yet it was the job of propaganda to widespread the idea that central government is the basic entity for organizing the State.

Along the pages, one reads Bernays going from the first sketches for manipulating women into fashion (as a mere means to improve sells and production) to the way he seems politics must organize around modern methods of propaganda. Modern politics, as he puts it.

This book was first published in 1928. As such, the campaign was a complete success if one sees the ways of the world about a hundred years later. A pleasure one should permit himself at some point in life: perspective. Perspective to understand how propaganda has subverted close dialog and discussion by replacing them with purposes and interests of private groups and closed circles.

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